Unit 4: Canadian Government

Canada’s voting age should be lowered to 16.

At the age of technology no only had our surroundings upgraded, but also our minds. Teenagers are much opinionated and wiser than what others expect. I believe it’s a great step to let a 16 year old vote, to show that they really do have a say and that they do matter. Lowering the voting age will decrease youth apathy and the belief ” if you are too young to vote, you are too young to be heard.” will be demolishes. Maturity and common sense doesn’t come from age, it comes from their surroundings.

The main goal of the government is for everyone to be contented with howaa things are. How should a big part of the population be contented if they’re not allowed to have a say or to decide on who should be in their government, Teenager gets affected as much or more than adults, yet they don’t have the luxury to vote? Most youth have access to the internet, tv, newspaper, and radio to not be ignorant about current events. Give teenagers the rights to vote completely demolish the fact or belief “Letting 16 year old vote, might as well let kindergärtners vote.”

People say the children are the future of this world. Well, let’s start by taking some stepping stones. Voting. By having these right, it means more than such a measly choice to teenagers. To them, it means acceptance. Acceptance to the world of the adults.


Switzer, J. 2015. Let’s lower the voting age to 16. Retrieved from

Zafari, H. 2015. Why wait until 18 to vote? Let’s start at 16. Retrieved from

More articles about the topic

Unit 3: The Development of the West


Immigrating to Canada

Immigration is when people move away from their country into a foreign one (Dictionary, 2015). For some, immigrating to a new place symbolises a new life; a do over, however for some, they do it in hope for a better life. It’s quite sad how people, have to move to a completely different environment in hope for a better result in their life than their last one back where they originally came from. It just shows that since there’s too many unsolved unsatisfying factors in their home country. I interviewed my Dad, who immigrated to Canada in hope for a better future for his family.

My dad’s main reason for moving here, is for our future. Money comes and go, however back to where we came from money goes more than it comes (Alfaro, 2015). My dad didn’t like the fact that no matter how hard we work there, there’s no hope for any upgrade. It was hard for him to leave us and be far away from our grasp. My brother and I were still young when he left, and my parents’ biggest worry was about my brother not recognizing our dad. He still left despite the worries, but he carried it with him. Even though he had aunts and uncles that treats him especially nice, he was still craving for his wife and his kids. He even mentioned how in his free time he would visit the airport, imagining the day we would come to him. It was a tough road for him, but he managed because he was determined to get us here in Canada.

Other than his left loved ones, my dad also worried about jobs. Since his education didn’t apply in Canada, he had to start all over again and try many new different jobs. He provided for us while getting paid from minimum wage. Good thing he was a hard worker and managed to keep the job he had. The worst part of being alone is when he’s in pain from work, no one’s there to make him feel better, when he’s sick, no one’s there to take care of him and especially when he eats, no one’s there to eat with him. Loneliness didn’t corrupt him though, he used it to work harder.

It took a lot of time, effort and money but finally he did it. One day, he found himself standing in front of the exit for passengers, his arms opened widely , ready to lift my brother and I up. After 3 years of separation with nothing but video calls, we finally get to be with our dad physically. Adapting to a completely new environment was a different story. English is not my brother and I’s first language. School became an everyday battle field for my brother and I. My brother’s teacher ended up talking to my parents because my brother wouldn’t talk for the first few weeks of school. While I became self conscious, I was too scared to do anything because of my irrational fear of getting judged. Getting out of our comfort zone is a big step but we did it, and once we’ve let go we truly embraced our new life here in Canada. My dad might be always be tired after a long day of work, he might nag us and repeatedly tell us to do our chores, but I know he likes it better this way than being alone.

Once, during dinner, I asked my dad if he wants to go back to the Philippines and he said “absolutely not.”. In Canada, he knows our future is secluded, he knows that our life is smoother, and he knows that we’re much happier here. Immigrating to a foreign country is scary. It seemed impossible to regain what we had back in the Philippines, but we were wrong. We regained nothing, but gained something much better.


Dictionary. 2015. Immigration definition Retrieved from

Alfaro, E. 2015. Self Story

Other Immigration stories:


Slavery in the Modern Age

Slavery is one of the most talked about topics until this day. It has affected many of people’s lives to benefit the wealthy. Back then, slavery was done openly and proudly. People believed it stopped, but what the public doesn’t know is that 9907slavechainslavery can’t be seen with our naked eyes. Nowadays, slavery is shamed but that doesn’t stop factory owners, syndicates, owners, and employers to do so. In the world of business, money, and profits, being humane is neglected. Known companies that produce our electronics, clothes, drinks and etc. has taken advantage of those who are in need of source of income. We buy from them, we give them money; an indirect approval for slavery, to let them, keep doing what they’re doing, and kept on gaining power. Those companies who actually cares about others and lets freedom gain the upper arm in their business, are suffering from income loss. We need to stop buying carelessly and think before we pry open our wallet. Today, I took a test. I’m 15 years old, but 33 slaves are in charged of me.